How soon are you looking to request a closing? (required)
Within The Next 5 Business DaysNext WeekThis Month
What time of the day works best for you? (required)
Morning (Earliest time is 8:00 AM)Mid DayAfternoon (Latest time is 4:00 PM for purchase and 4:30 PM for refinances)
What is the best way to contact you? (required)
Phone Number: (required)
E-mail Address: (required)
Disclaimer: I AGREE, by clicking ''Send'', that this will not automatically schedule the closing. Submitting this information here will send it electronically to our closing department for review. If you do not hear back from us within an hour during our normal business hours, M-F: 8am-5pm, please feel free to contact us at (517) 787-4830. We will be happy to assist you in setting up your closing. You will receive confirmation of your closing once your request has been processed.