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The List Of What It Takes To Become A Prepared Buyer

Discuss finances with a Loan Officer
Determine financial eligibility
Obtain Pre-Qualification
Submit loan application
Select a real estate agent
Determine wants and needs in a home
Select a home that suits your needs
Discuss an offer with an agent
Acknowledge receipt of seller’s Disclosure Statement
Agent delivers offer to Listing Agent
Buyer delivers Earnest Money Deposit to Selling Agent
Seller accepts offer
Listing Real Estate Agent will order Preliminary Title Insurance Commitment
Conduct a home inspection by a qualified inspector
Conduct property appraisal

Perform Termite Inspection and Certification, if required
Pick a Homeowners Insurance Company and Coverage
Make sure Homeowners Insurance is in Effect at the Date of the Closing
Review Title Insurance Commitment
Review lender documents in advance of closing
Review Home Warranty, if applicable
Get a Cashier’s Check or Wire Transfer the funds for the closing
Sign documents at title company
Deed is Recorded with County Recorder’s Office
Finally Move In!